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The LESSEE acknowledges he/she has carefully examined the craft and finds it suitable for the purpose for which it is leased, and that or other accessory equipment is

in suitable and acceptable condition: that he/she will maintain both craft and equipment in a safe, dependable condition while in he/she has custody.


A major credit card authorization (VISA MasterCard) or CASH in the amount of five hundred dollars (euro 2000.00) shall be retained by the LESSOR as partial

compensation for failing to return said rental craft in as good condition, ordinary wear and tear excluded, as when received; for reimbursement of articles damaged,

missing, or broken; or to be applied to the rental charges upon return of craft by LESSEE.


LESSEE agrees not to use, nor permit the use:

a. Of the rental craft for any unlawful purpose;

b. Of the rental craft in a careless or negligent manner;

c. Of the rental craft while under the influence of liquor or narcotics; or any other drugs

d. By any other person not the signatory of the agreement, or not equally qualified




1. No member of the crew is individually insured. Every person is responsible for his/her own insurance. The leaseholder is responsible for all single objects, such as the maritime technology, the Spryhood interior fittings, and various loose objects, as well as sails and other equipment, however, not exceeding the margin required by the Evranboatrental according to the lease.



Items that are covered by the insurance

2. Items that are covered by the insurance: 2.1. The insurance covers the boat that is referred to in the policy of insurance, as well as regular appurtenances, provisions, and supplies. The vessel and appurtenances cover for example the vessel's machinery, the screw propeller and other screws, as well as the axis and gears, electrical system, detection devices for fishing, depth gauge, radar, Loran devices, radio transmitters and radio as well as the necessary equipment and spare parts, which were kept on-board at all times.



The company compensates the following

6 The company compensates the following: 6.1. Total loss as regarding the following items: a. A loss of vessel or when the damage to the vessel is extensive enough for rescue and restoration, later on to be impossible. b. When the damage to the vessel is extensive enough so that the cost of rescue and restoration is higher than the insurance cover. c. The vessel is removed from the disposal of the insured party and has been lost for 90 days. d. The vessel is occupied by force or immobilised by a foreign state or if a foreign state puts the vessel or its cargo in detention and is not released within six months. This provision is not regarding to loss that is covered by regular insurance for war risks and riot risks. 6.2. Cost in regard to rescue and other measures to prevent loss, see Article 38 of the Act of 30/2004. 6.3. Participation in a collective loss at sea, as such participation is decided in the York/Antwerp regulation of 1974. The company pays the premium to the maritime insurance settlements that the policyholder is expected to disburse according to the allocation of the loss.



Ships by the same owner

8. Ships by the same owner: 8.1. If an insured vessel collides with another vessel, is rescued or receives assistance by another vessel, the company is liable, even if the second vessel does also belong to the owner of the policyholder or if both vessels are operated be the same operators. 8.2 In such cases, the insured and the company can involve a single arbitrator to decide on blame, maritime salvage or remuneration for the assistance provided.


Violations of reporting requirement

10 Violations of reporting requirement — fraud and false information 10.1 If the policyholder or the insured has fraudulently neglected the reporting requirement in the event of what may affect the evaluation of risk and event that relates to the insurance, the insurer is not insured according to Paragraph 1, Article 20 of the Act of 30/2004. 10.2 If the policyholder or the insured has otherwise neglected the reporting requirement to an extent that is not considered negligible, the company's liability shall cease, in whole or in part, under Paragraph 2, Article 20 of the Act of 30/2004. 10.3 If the insured party intentionally provides false or incomplete information at the settlement of the compensation, all his rights under this and other insurance contracts are rescinded due to this particular insurance event, under Paragraph 2, Article 47 of the Act of 30/2004. In such cases, the company may rescind all its insurance contracts with the insured party, with one week's notice.

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